Thursday, July 30, 2009

George of the Jungle: Round Two

Bill Vanscoy had another encounter with the same tree! He and some buddies went back to the campground, intending to cut up the tree and burn it. Bill picked up a big piece and hoisted it up to his shoulder. His ankle rolled out from under him and he dropped the log. It hit him in his right calf. He had to go back to the emergency room in Wilcox. They recognized him. They stitched and stapled him back together. So now, he has a big gash on his leg to match the one on his head. So far, the tree is ahead. I hope he doesn't go back for round three!
"George of the Jungle: Watch out for that tree!"


Terrie Collins said...

Too funny!! Reminds me of his escapades as a child! Can I subscribe to your blog? It would be nice to keep in touch with Billy, Christy and the kids!

Terrie Collins said...

Contact me! Terrie (Billy's sister)